09h00 | Registration
Mariano Gago Auditorium Hall
09h30 | Symposium Opening & Welcome Session
5th Edition Students of Biotech Health
First session
09h45 | Point of care devices for biomedical applications
Paulo Freitas (INL – Braga, Portugal)
10h30 | Environmental Awareness Session – Plastic pollution: a new threat to marine ecosystems
Sandra Ramos (CIIMAR – Porto, Portugal)
11h00 | Coffee break
Mariano Gago Auditorium Hall
Second session
11h30 | How a combination of physics and biology can help to understand the surface of cells – a balancing act of interdisciplinarity
Darius Köster (CMCB – Coventry, United Kingdom)
12h15 | Lunch
i3S Canteen
Third session
13h45 | Intervertebral disc regeneration: new strategies for the aging spine
Gianluca Vadalà (UCBM - Rome, Italy)
14h30 | Stem cell secretome based approaches in CNS regenerative medicine
António Salgado (ICVS – Braga, Portugal)
15h15 | Coffee break
Mariano Gago Auditorium Hall
Fourth session
15h45 | BioSIM - Employing biomolecular simulations in a multidisciplinar perspective
Sérgio Sousa (FMUP/UCIBIO/REQUIMTE – Porto, Portugal)
16h30 | Round Table
17h30 | Closing Remarks
Professor Mário Barbosa
17h45 | Porto d´Honra
Mariano Gago Auditorium Hall