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Sandra Ramos

Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR) – Porto, Portugal

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Sandra Ramos, BS in Biology (FCUP), in 1997, completed a MSc in Marine Resources in 2001 and a PhD in Aquatic Sciences in 2007, both from ICBAS-UP. Her main research area is Marine Ecology, with special emphasis on early life stages of fishes and the impact of human activities, including emergent pollutants like microplastics. Sandra Ramos research focus also includes Marine Ecosystem Services and new approaches for environmental assessments, using participatory approaches to capitalize local stakeholder’s knowledge to promote the preservation of marine resources and ecosystems. Sandra Ramos has been actively involved in the implementation of EU environmental policies, namely the WFD and the MSFD, giving scientific support to managers and decision-makers. She has also participated in several outreach activities with large experience in scientific knowledge-transfer, stakeholders engagement and networking with different social environments, namely academic and scientific community, fishermen, local authorities, policy-makers, environmental managers.

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